GPM Metals Inc. (TSXV:GPM) (the “Company” or “GPM”) provides an update to its Walker Gossan Project, Arnhem Land, Australia.
The Northern Land Council (“NLC”) has scheduled a community meeting the week of 13 May 2019 in Gapuwiyak, Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory in Australia, between the local Traditional Land Owners (“TLO’s”), GPM Metals’ management and the representatives of the Northern Land Council (NLC)..
At this meeting GPM Metals will be presenting their sampling and field program proposed for the Walker Gossan Project (the “Project”), principally Exploration Licence (EL) 24305, to the TLO’s and the NLC.
Upon review and approval of program, it is anticipated work will commence during June or July 2019.
The Project is the subject of farm-in and joint venture agreement between GPM (and its Australian subsidiary) and Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Limited(“RTX”) executed in January 2014, pursuant to which GPM can earn a 75% interest in the Project through meeting staged exploration expenditure requirements. The Project tenure is held by RTX with GPM acting as the operator and manager of exploration, community relations and title grant (see January 27, 2014 press release of the Company available on SEDAR at
Title Deed, Work Program and Exploration License (EL 24305) approval was granted in November 2015 by the NLC after a series of meetings and consultations with the TLO’s and GPM Metals in Numbulwar and Darwin.
The Project lies within one of the great metallogenic provinces of the world, the North Australian Zinc Province (NAZP); which currently provides 30% of the world zinc production from a number of significant silver, lead, zinc deposits; including the Mt. Isa, George Fisher, McArthur River and Century Mines.
The exploration target is a large, strata bound, sediment hosted lead – zinc deposit. Field work planned for 2019 will consist of geological mapping, geochemical sampling and prospecting with the view of identifying vectors towards the center of the mineralized system. To date GPM geologists believe they previously identified and drilled into the iron rich, siderite, outer halo to potentially a major mineralized stratabound Lead Zinc deposit.
About GPM Metals Inc.
GPM Metals is a zinc focused exploration company with offices in Toronto, Brisbane and Lima.
The Company’s current holdings include the district scale Walker Gossan Project, NT, Australia, a joint venture with Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Limited; and the 100% Claims interest in the Pasco Project, Department of Pasco, Peru.
Both projects are advanced exploration properties and have considerable potential to host significant zinc resources.
All scientific and technical information in this press release has been prepared under the supervision of Dan Noone, (Chairman of GPM), a “qualified person” within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Noone (B.Sc Geology, MBA) is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
For further information contact:
GPM Metals Inc.
Peter Mullens, CEO
Suite 1101 – 141 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3L5
Telephone : + 416 628-5904